Stichting UvO is a copyright organization for publishers. There are similar organizations for visual creators (Pictoright), writers (Lira), and composers (Buma Stemra). UvO often works together with these foundations to represent the interests of all copyright holders in the Netherlands. Agreements are also made regarding how the royalties are distributed.
Higher education
Parties directly involved in the creation of the buyout schemes:
- De Mediafederatie - Trade organisation for Dutch Publishers
- UNL - Umbrella organisation for Universities of the Netherlands (formerly VSNU)
- VH - Umbrella organisation for Universities of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands
- MBO Raad - National trade organisation for institutions active in vocational education and adult education
- IPRO - The International Publishers Right Organization (IPRO) represents internationally operating publishers in the collection and distribution of copyright fees collected from educational institutions, libraries, and other users.
Dutch Copyright Organisations
Stichting UvO collaborates with several organizations within the Netherlands:
VOI©E - Association of Organisations that Collectively Exploit Intellectual Property, or VOI©E, is the trade association for collective management organizations (CMOs) for authors' or related rights.
Stichting Reprorecht - Collective management organisation, collects and distributes reprographic rights fees.
Stichting de Thuiskopie - Collective management organisation, collects and distributes private copy fees.
Stichting Leenrecht - Collective management organisation, collects and distributes lending rights fees.
Stichting Lira - Copyright organisation for writers, translators, and freelance journalists.
Stichting Pictoright - Copyright organisation for visual artists.
Stichting PRO - Copyright organisation for Dutch publishers.
International Copyright Organisations
Stichting UvO also collaborates with various international organizations:
- International Publishers Association -International federation of national publishers associations.
- International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers (STM) - International association of scientific publishers.
Centre Français d'éxploitation du droit de copie (CFC) - French copyright organisation.
Copyright Clearance Centre-U.S. reprographic rights organisation.
Copyright Licensing Agency -UK reprographic rights organisation.
VG Wort -German reprographic rights organization.
Publishers Licensing Society - UK organisationfor publishers, distributes the publisher share of the fees collected by the Copyright Licensing Agency.
SABAM - Belgian Society of Authors, Composers, and Publishers.
Librius - Management company for Flemish book publishers.
NVPI -The Dutch trade association for the entertainment industry.
Vereniging van Openbare bibliotheken-Sector institute and trade organization for public libraries in the Netherlands.
Cedar BV - Stichting UvO is a foundation and does not employ staff. The implementation of the schemes is outsourced to Cedar BV. Five other copyright organizations also entrust Cedar with the implementation of their activities. Around 10 people are employed by Cedar on behalf of Stichting UvO.