Information for secondary vocational education (MBO)
The MBO Raad has entered into a buy-out arrangement with Stichting UvO and Stichting Reprorecht on behalf of 61 affiliated MBO institutions: the MBO reproduction arrangement for copies and educational publications. This makes the reuse and copying of copyrighted material within secondary vocational education easier than ever. With this buy-out arrangement, your educational institution pays a fee based on the number of students. You can use short pieces of copyrighted material without further administration.
The MBO reproduction agreement has purchased small (parts of) copyrighted works for use in educational publications, such as readers/syllabi and digital learning environments. By a small part we mean:
- Books or e-books: No more than 10% up to a maximum of 10 pages.
- Daily, weekly or monthly magazine: No more than a single article.
- Images, graphs, tables, diagrams and similar works: no more than a few images, if possible mention the creator and the source.
- Sheet music: a maximum of one song of sheet music or one song lyric.
If you want to copy or print more text or images, you need permission from the publisher and/or creators of the material. They may charge a fee for this. You can easily request permission via the UvO portal. You will receive permission immediately or UvO will facilitate the application for you.