Page rates 2025

The following rates are page rates and apply to reuse that takes place in 2025. The rates are indexed annually according to the collective labor agreement (CAO) wage index for the entire previous year (inflation adjustment).

Short excerpts

Korte overnames

Short excerpt Dutch:  €  0,050
Short excerpt international:  €  0,064


Unknown publisher ('vrijwaringsfonds')  
Short excerpt Dutch:  €  0,083
Short excerpt international:  €  0,103



Non-short excerpts

With permission   
Non-short excerpt Dutch: € 0,188
Non-short excerpt international:        €  0,260
Non-short excerpt (out-of-print):  €  0,045


With permission, unkonwn publisher ('vrijwaringsfonds')   
Non-short excerpt Dutch: €  0,224
Non-short excerpt international:      €  0,304


Non-short excerpt Dutch:  € 0,260
Non-short excerpt international:    € 0,330


Infringement, unknown publisher ('vrijwaringsfonds')  
Non-short excerpt Dutch: €  0,296
Non-short excerpt international:   €  0,374


Illustrations Dutch:  €  0,050
Illustrations international:  €  0,064

Explanation of page rates

Invoice Calculation:
The total invoice amount depends on the number of pages, the page rate, and the print run. The print run is determined by the number of copies printed (reader/syllabus) or the number of students who have access to the transfer(s) via a digital learning environment.

A VAT rate of 21% is applied to non-short transfers. No VAT is applicable to the other categories.

Educational institutions without a buyout scheme:
Almost all educational institutions in the Netherlands make use of a buyout fee for the use of short excerpts from copyrighted works. For educational institutions that do not use a UvO buyout scheme, the page rates for "short excerpts" apply.

Out-of-Print Rate:
For works no longer available for sale, a fixed rate of 4.5 eurocents applies. However, if prior permission is not obtained, the higher infringement rate will be applied.