40+ report for universities (UNL)

All universities affiliated with UNL create their own overview of 'other acquisitions'. This includes all reuse of content that has not been covered by the Easy Access settlement, PoD settlement, and/or individual permission requests.

Requirements for 40+ Reporting

The annual 40+ report for universities consists of:

An overview of all longer acquisitions (also known as 'non-short', i.e., more than 40 pages or 20% of a work) that have been used at your institution.

For each entry, please include:

  • The name of the file (.pdf, .doc)
  • The number of (re)used pages
  • The 'circulation' (number of students)
  • Licenses/contracts with publishers (if applicable)
  • Obtained permission for reuse of the work, from the publisher and sometimes from the author
  • The name of the publisher (if applicable)

Note: Also include in your overview:

  • Infringing acquisitions for which no permission has been requested (i.e., 'infringements', see article 5.7 of the contract).


At Downloads, you will find a sample Excel file. For illustration, your annual report might look something like this:


Url / Link (Source) Fully Own Work? Title of Original Work Used From Publisher of Original Work NL or BL Year of Publication of Original Work Number of Pages Used Number of Images/Illustrations Number of Graphs in Reused Work Is the Original Work a Book? Yes/No Short / Medium / Long License / Free to Use? Fee Required? Number of Students with Access to the Reuse?
elo.universiteit.nl/... No Inleiding recht Boom Uitgevers Amsterdam NL 2018 55 5 2 Yes Non-short (longer) No Yes 55
elo.universiteit.nl/... No Inleiding onderwijskunde Thieme Meulenhoff NL 2015 120 1 0 No Non-short (longer) Yes, open access No 10
elo.universiteit.nl/... Yes Studiegids N/A NL N/A 80 0 0 N/A Non-short (longer) Yes, own work No 81

More information?

See our frequently asked questions for universities.