Frequently asked questions for universities of applied sciences (VH)

Scope of agreement

Which students are covered by this scheme?

You may provide the content to all your students who are enrolled in your course(s) at your VH-higher education institution.

It is crucial that the work is used for educational purposes, i.e., for students. The Easy Access Scheme (hbo) does not cover further use (publishing, reproducing) in contexts outside of education.

Note: This scheme applies only to regular education, commercial education and higher education institutions that are not affiliated with Vereniging Hogescholen (VH) are excluded.

Which universities of applied sciences are participating?

The universities of applied sciences that are members of the Vereniging Hogescholen (VH) participate in the Easy Access scheme (hbo). In total, this includes 36 government-funded universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.

  • Aeres Hogeschool
  • Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
  • ArtEZ Hogeschool voor de Kunsten
  • Avans Hogeschool
  • Breda University of Applied Sciences
  • Christelijke Hogeschool Ede
  • Codarts Rotterdam
  • De Haagse Hogeschool
  • Design Academy Eindhoven
  • Driestar hogeschool
  • Fontys Hogescholen
  • Gerrit Rietveld Academie
  • HAN University of Applied Sciences
  • Hanzehogeschool Groningen
  • HAS Hogeschool
  • Hogeschool de Kempel
  • Hogeschool der Kunsten Den Haag
  • Hogeschool Inholland
  • Hogeschool iPabo
  • Hogeschool KPZ
  • Hogeschool Leiden
  • Hogeschool Rotterdam
  • Hogeschool Utrecht
  • Hogeschool van Amsterdam
  • Hogeschool Viaa
  • Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht
  • Hotelschool The Hague
  • HZ University of Applied Sciences
  • Iselinge Hogeschool
  • Marnix Academie
  • NHL Stenden Hogeschool
  • Saxion
  • Thomas More Hogeschool
  • Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences
  • Windesheim
  • Zuyd Hogeschool

Please note: This scheme only applies to regular education. Universities of applied sciences with a commercial purpose are excluded. Commercial programs associated with the institutions listed above are not covered by this scheme.

What if my university of applied sciences is not a member of the Vereniging Hogescholen (VH)?

If your university of applied sciences is not a member of the Vereniging Hogescholen (VH), you do not participate in the Easy Access scheme (higher education). Inquire whether your institution has an (alternative) buy-out arrangement with Stichting UvO.

Do all VH universities pay the same fee?

The amount of the fee (the individual 'buyout sum') depends on the number of students at your VH university. VH universities pay €8.50 (excluding VAT) per calendar year for each student enrolled at their institution on 1 October of the previous calendar year. These numbers are coordinated with DUO and VH.

As a result, larger educational institutions pay more than smaller ones. This is because the number of students is considered a good indicator of 'reuse'.

Is there a difference between the Easy Access schemes for higher vocational education (hbo) and universities?

The Easy Access schemes for VH (higher vocational education) colleges and UNL (universities) are largely the same, but there are some key differences:

  • Number of pages: VH colleges are allowed to reuse up to 50 pages or 25% of a work. For UNL universities, the limit is 40 pages or 20% of a work.

  • Number of images: VH colleges can use up to 50 images in (PowerPoint) presentations. There is no limit on the number of images for universities.

  • Reporting: VH colleges must submit their annual 50+ report by April 1st. UNL universities must submit their annual 40+ report by June 1st.

  • Working group: Additionally, for VH colleges, a working group has been established through the netwerk auteursrechteninformatiepunten (NAI-hbo).

Possibilities and Conditions

How many pages may I use?

You may reproduce up to 50 pages from a work, provided that this does not exceed 25% of the original publication.

For example, from a 200-page book, you can reproduce 50 pages (25%) and distribute them to your students. This 'reuse' has been covered by your VH-university.

How many images may I use in presentations?

Teachers at VH-universities may use up to 50 images in presentations (PowerPoint, Prezi, etc.).

There are also two conditions:

  • A maximum of 25 images from one work (e.g., a book).
  • A maximum of 10 works by the same creator.

If you wish to use more, please contact the rights holder(s) of the image material.

How many images can I use in other teaching materials?

Teachers of VH-hogescholen may use a maximum of 50 images in self-created teaching materials (handouts, assignments, exam questions, etc.).

There are two additional conditions:

  • A maximum of 25 images from one work (e.g. a book).
  • A maximum of 10 works by the same creator.

If you wish to use more, please contact the rights holder(s) of the images.

How much sheet music and poetry may I use?

Within the Easy Access-agreement (hbo)  you may also distribute sheet music and poetry to your students. The same rules apply as for other 'reproductions': a maximum of 50 pages from a publication, provided that this is no more than 25% of the original publication. The number of verses, choruses, staves, lines, and/or words used does not matter: the number of pages is the determining factor.

What counts as a 'work' when it comes to an article from a journal?

The issue or edition in which the article was published.

For articles, you may also reuse up to 50 pages from a work, provided that this is no more than 25% of the original publication. By 'original publication' we mean the issue/edition of the journal.

For example: you use an article from journal X (volume 10, issue 1). That issue contains 60 pages, so you may use up to 15 pages (25% of the work). This 'reuse' has been covered by your VH-hogeschool.

Note: For journals where the pagination runs continuously throughout the entire volume, the number of pages in the issue is the determining factor.

Are paper readers / syllabi also included?

Yes, the same conditions apply. How the material is made available does not matter. Both paper readers and electronic learning environments (such as Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace, etc.) are allowed.

Annual 50+ report

When is the annual deadline?

The annual 50+ report for VH universities must be submitted to Stichting UvO before 1 April each year. The deadlines in the current contract are:

1 April 2022
1 April 2023
1 April 2024
1 April 2025

If you are unable to meet these deadlines, we would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible.

Does the report need to cover a calendar year?

Initially, the annual 50+ report covers the previous calendar year. If this is not feasible, please contact Stichting UvO.

Is there a format for the annual report?

No, there is no specific format that VH universities need to adhere to. However, there are some requirements. Instructions and a sample Excel spreadsheet can be found on the page Downloads

Can I use CopyrightCheck for the report?

Probably yes. With the CopyrightCheck from SURF, learning materials provided to students in the digital learning environment (LMS) are analyzed. These are automatically classified as copyrighted, open access, or own work. Additionally, filtering is possible for longer uses of 50 pages or more. CopyrightCheck is included in the basic infrastructure fee for both higher professional education (hbo) and universities (wo).

For more information about the CopyrightCheck tool, please visit the website of SURF

Do 50+ images in PowerPoints also need to be reported?

Yes, this is also considered as 'other reuse.' You need to request separate permission from the rights holders (creator/publisher) or via the UvO webportal.

Also, note the conditions for using images:

  • A maximum of 25 images from one work (e.g., a book)
  • A maximum of 10 works from the same creator
Does a report lead to a fine?

In principle, no. The purpose of the annual reports is to reduce infringements, not necessarily to charge for infringements. The annual report should be an opportunity for universities to assess how they can still obtain permission for the works used and how a reasonable fee can be paid for them.

Stichting UvO retains the right to charge for infringements if necessary. After all, it is a form of reuse that requires payment.

What if I do not submit a report?

If a university does not submit the report (fully and/or on time), you are required to provide UvO access to the digital learning environment. UvO will then map the reuse of 50+ copies.

If necessary, UvO can also assist you in preparing this report. Please contact us in advance for assistance.

How can I link the 'circulation', the number of students that have access to the material??

The circulation, or the number of students who had access to the material, is typically linked through CopyrightCheck. If this is not the case, you may consider the following alternatives:

  • Data from the digital learning environment (number of students enrolled per course)
  • Data from the student administration (registrations per course)
Can UvO help with preparing a report?

In principle, universities are responsible for preparing the 50+ report themselves. An alternative option for generating a report is the MacroTool, an application developed in Python by 4net, a digital agency and IT partner of Stichting UvO. The MacroTool generates a list from a learning environment and downloads all files. This list can then be filtered for 'non-short' usages (50+ pages and 50+ images) and manually supplemented.

NB: The average cost for one-time use of the MacroTool is approximately €5000. These potential costs are the responsibility of the educational institutions themselves. Stichting UvO does not guarantee that the MacroTool is usable by all universities and/or that 4net is available. Universities need to contact 4net directly.

Should 'own work' also be reported?

Yes, your report must be complete and verifiable for Stichting UvO. Therefore, also include non-copyrighted material of 50 pages or more (incl. own work, open access publications, PowerPoints, etc.).

Obtain permission

How do I arrange the use of 50+ pages?
  • How do I arrange the use of 50+ pages?

    If you want to use more than 50 pages or more than 25% of a work, this falls outside the Easy Access scheme (higher education). Therefore, you need to request permission from the rights holder. This can easily be done through the UvO portal. You will receive immediate permission, or UvO will facilitate the request for you.

    Whether and how you receive permission depends on the request and the publisher. UvO broadly categorizes requests into three categories:

    • 25% to 33% of the work: (likely) immediate permission. You will receive direct permission if the publisher has given a mandate to Stichting UvO. You will be notified directly via the portal.

    • 33% to 50% of the work: UvO will handle the permission request for you. UvO will mediate with the publisher to obtain permission. Some publishers have granted mandates for the (re)use of 33% of a work, while others allow up to 50%. Therefore, in some cases, we will need to contact the publisher. Note: If the book is out of print, you will often receive direct permission.

    • 50% or more: UvO will inform the publisher. Most publishers want to review large sections (>50%) on a case-by-case basis. UvO will forward the permission request for you and mediate in the process. There is a chance that your request will be rejected.

Do I need to request permission from UvO or from a publisher?

It can be both.

Via the publisher: You can directly contact a publisher to request permission. Don’t forget to ask whether you need to pay a fee.

Via UvO: You can also submit a permission request through the UvO web portal. This is particularly useful if you are using content from many different publishers. You can request all the permissions at once and also settle the payments in one go.

Always make sure to obtain permission beforehand for the use of copyrighted work.

I have verbal permission from the publisher, is that sufficient?

No, unfortunately not. A verbal agreement cannot be verified by UvO. If the publisher has granted permission for the use of a longer publication in your educational material, you should request written confirmation. A (copy of a) short email will suffice. Be sure to clearly state whether the reuse is free of charge or if a fee is involved.

More information?

See our general page with frequently asked questions.